Pappas Refuses to Condemn Biden’s Open Borders: Noveletsky Responds

March 13, 2024

Greenland, NH – Today, conservative CEO and candidate for New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District, Hollie Noveletsky, responded after Chris Pappas voted against a resolution that called out the Biden Administration’s open border policies.

Estimates of the number of illegal border crossings under the Biden Administration range from 7-10 million. The massive surge has created serious national security concerns as well as public safety issues and the overburdening of numerous communities.

“It’s clear that Biden’s policies are responsible for the rapid deterioration of our borders,” said Noveletsky. “This vote goes to show that Chris Pappas is out of touch and always puts party politics over what’s good for New Hampshire. We need new leadership and I’m proud to be the political outsider and voice of new leadership in this race.”

Hollie Noveletsky is the CEO of Novel Iron works in Greenland, and a psychiatric nurse practitioner. She also served for 10 years between the US Army Reserves and NH National Guard. You can learn more about her and her campaign for Congress at
