BREAKING: Noveletsky Releases Border Policy Agenda
April 30, 2024
Greenland, NH – Today, the campaign for conservative CEO and Army reserves veteran, Hollie Noveletsky, announced her agenda for dealing with the crisis of illegal immigration.
Illegal immigration is a major issue in the 2024 election cycle. A full 83% percent of Granite Staters believe it is a serious problem facing this country according to a poll from UNH. Noveletsky is the only candidate in the race for the 1st Congressional District who has laid out a detailed plan to address the crisis.
In discussing her plan to address immigration, Noveletsky stated the following:
“As I go across the district, it is clear that the crisis of illegal immigration, which has been caused by Joe Biden and Chris Pappas, is top of mind for Granite Staters. They see the chaos and are demanding action.
However, career politicians like Chris Pappas created this problem and are ‘all talk, no action’ when it comes to solutions. It is clear that we need a change in leadership. Securing the borders, both northern and southern, will be job #1 for me in Congress.”
Hollie Noveletsky is the CEO of Novel Iron works in Greenland, and a psychiatric nurse practitioner. She also served for 10 years between the US Army Reserves and NH National Guard. You can learn more about her and her campaign for Congress at